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Reading Recs

I've kept a personal log of all of the books I've read since around 2017, along with ratings of my favorites, on Goodreads. The list has grown substantially, as I target reading 50+ books annually, so I'll try to keep a shortened list here, as well as sharing articles that I've found particularly insightful.


For me to recommend a book or article, it usually satisfies more than one of the following qualities:

  1. It challenges or changes my perspectives – or at least makes my perspectives more nuanced (e.g., Good Economics for Hard Times, a book by MIT economists on political issues like immigration, taxes, and UBI).

  2. It’s well-written and on an interesting topic (e.g., Blitzed, the history of rampant drug use in Nazi Germany, or The Gatekeepers, a book about White House Chiefs of Staff).

  3. It provides some sort of practical takeaways (e.g., approaches to diet and exercise in the book Outlive).

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